Friday, July 8, 2011

Framing Part 2

We have walls! And as it turns out, they framed in the basement wall against the existing foundation and it looks as though they will sheetrock it with the rest of the new basement walls! And Jeremy, one of the workers, told me today that for as old as our house is (older than yours!) there were surprisingly few bugs in the siding. Yay for good quality, super old construction once again.

Our new basement looks the same size as the existing one! Crazy! 

And having basement windows on the north wall is amazing for light! Neither of the basement pictures needed a flash because it was so well lit! 

Putting the dining room wall into place! SUPER cool to watch! 

New bathroom windows

Windows in the new dining room

Fun fact of the day: The old clapboard underneath our current ceder shake siding and that black paper stuff in the picture is almost exactly the same color as our cedar shakes! 


  1. HEy, why don't my comments show up?????

  2. Hey, why don't other peoples comments show up?????
